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Fig 1 – Sonia Kaur, 2016. Physical Health Issues [digital image]. The Logical Indian. Available at: [Accessed 03 January 2016].

Fig 2 – KPMG, 2011. Tiers of mental health need [digital image]. KPMG. Available at: [Accessed 25 November 2015].

Fig 3 - KPMG, 2011. Adult Referrals [digital image]. KPMG. Available at: [Accessed 25 November 2015].

Fig 4 – HSS, 2005. Site plan of Clairvale rehabilitation unit  [digital image]. HSS. Available at: [Accessed 05 January 2016].

Fig 5 – Wikipedia, 2013. Bethlem Hospital at St George's Fields, 1828 [digital image]. Wikipedia. Available at: [Accessed 05 January 2016].


Fig 6 - Wikipedia, 2013. Late seventeenth-century map showing the placement of the new Bethlem Hospital in Moorfields. It shows the large gardens of Moorfields to the north of the front face of the building. The hospital is shown as a very long and thin structure. [digital image]. Wikipedia. Available at: [Accessed 05 January 2016].

Fig 7 – Daily Mail, 2015. The scene inside Bethlem Hospital, as depicted by William Hogarth in The Rake's Progress [digital image]. Available at: [Accessed 18 January 2016].


Fig 8 – Pinterest, 2014. In 1402, St. Mary of Bethlehem, an asylum popularly known as Bedlam, opened to receive mental patients in England. The institution itself was founded in 1247 as a priory. The famous painting of Bedlam is by William Hogarth, 1735 [digital image]. Available at:[Accessed 18 December 2015].

Fig 9 - Asylum Projects, 2015. An inmate at the Bethlem Asylum, circa 1500 [digital image]. Asylum Projects. Available at: [Accessed 28 December 2015].

Fig 10 – White, 2015. House of psychiatrics [digital image]. White. Available at: [Accessed 10 December 2015].

Fig 11- White, 2015. House of psychiatrics [digital image]. White. Available at: [Accessed 10 December 2015].

Fig 12 - White, 2015. House of psychiatrics [digital image]. White. Available at: [Accessed 10 December 2015].

Fig 13 - Gilling DOD, 2015. The Harbour, new mental health facility [digital image]. Available at: [Accessed 12 November 2015].

Fig 14 – Jencks, C. and Heathcote, E., 2010. The Architecture of Hope. 1st Edition. London: Frances Lincoln Limited, p 169 [drawing].


Fig 15 - Jencks, C. and Heathcote, E., 2010. The Architecture of Hope. 1st Edition. London: Frances Lincoln Limited, p 179 [computer generate image].

Fig 16 - Jencks, C. and Heathcote, E., 2010. The Architecture of Hope. 1st Edition. London: Frances Lincoln Limited, p 178 [computer generate image].
Fig 17 - Jencks, C. and Heathcote, E., 2010. The Architecture of Hope. 1st Edition. London: Frances Lincoln Limited, p 179 [computer generate image].

Fig 18 - Jencks, C. and Heathcote, E., 2010. The Architecture of Hope. 1st Edition. London: Frances Lincoln Limited, p 177 [computer generate image].

Fig 19 – BD, 2009. Maggie’s centre North East. Available at: [Accessed 2 January 2016].

Fig 20 – BBH, 2012. Nottingham’s Maggie’s Centre. BBH. Available at: [Accessed 15 January 2016].

Fig 21 – BBC, 2011. Nottingham’s Maggie Centre. BBC. Available at: [Accessed 17 December 2015].

Fig 22 – Open Buildings, 2011. Maggie’s Centre Nottingham. Available at: [Accessed 05 January 2016].

Fig 23 -  Abi Lucas, 2015. Start Well-being Centre [photographs]. Nottingham: Abi Lucas.

Fig 24 - Abi Lucas, 2015. Palmwood Court [photographs]. Nottingham: Abi Lucas.



Video 1 - The King's Fund, 2015. An alternative guide to mental health care in England [online Video]. 08 October. Available at: [Accessed: 12 January 2016].

Video 2 - Mental Health Awareness, 2015. Living With A Mental Disorder [online video]. 06 December. Available at: : [Accessed: 11 January 2016].





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